Sources: Streaming
Chartmogul (Streaming)
ChartMogul is a subscription analytics platform that enables businesses to track, analyze, and visualize their subscription-based revenue and customer data.
By connecting ChartMogul to your ProxyHook account you can easily store activity into your datawarehouse including changes in MRR.
An MRR movement is the increase or decrease in a subscription’s MRR that results from a change made to the subscription (a subscription event). For example, when a customer upgrades to a higher plan (the subscription event), the increase in the customer’s monthly cost (e.g., $50) is the MRR movement.
Connecting ChartMogul
To integrate ChartMogul into your ProxyHook account follow these steps:
- Create a new source within ProxyHook and select 'ChartMogul'. Grab the unique endpoint provided.
- Log into your ChartMogul account ( and click 'Data & Config'
- Click 'Add Destination' and select 'Webhook'
- Specify the endpoint from step 1 within the 'URL' section.
Sample Payloads
Switched Plan
"date": "2024-01-02T22:58:44.000Z",
"type": "mrr_movement",
"customer": {
"name": "Steve Rogers",
"uuid": "cus_b4a0-11ed-cf7f-cus_5bd2a63c-af76",
"email": "[email protected]",
"status": "active",
"company": "",
"currency": "USD",
"current_arr": 238800,
"current_mrr": 19900,
"external_id": "c1241e5a82b04",
"external_ids": [
"currency_symbol": "$",
"data_source_uuid": "ds_a246-6bd03c06-11e7-13f3-13f35f05ba27"
"description": "switched plan from Yellow to Blue",
"subscription": {
"external_id": "6882bdd1c34e0295bca5324cdc8fdc71"
"movement_type": "expansion",
"account_currency": "USD",
"invoice_currency": "USD",
"account_currency_symbol": "$",
"invoice_currency_symbol": "$",
"movement_amount_in_cent": 10000,
"mrr_movement_in_account_currency": 10000,
"mrr_movement_in_invoice_currency": 10000
Cancelled Plan
"date": "2024-01-11T00:02:51.000Z",
"type": "mrr_movement",
"customer": {
"name": "Steve Rogers",
"uuid": "cus_b4a0-11ed-cf7f-cus_5bd2a63c-af76",
"email": "[email protected]",
"status": "cancelled",
"company": "",
"currency": "USD",
"current_arr": 0,
"current_mrr": 0,
"external_id": "c1241e5a82b04",
"external_ids": [
"currency_symbol": "$",
"data_source_uuid": "ds_a246-6bd03c06-11e7-13f3-13f35f05ba27"
"description": "cancelled their Blue plan",
"subscription": {
"external_id": "e951cf4aac4d4d7d03d0d0fab4a5ba5"
"movement_type": "churn",
"account_currency": "USD",
"invoice_currency": "USD",
"account_currency_symbol": "$",
"invoice_currency_symbol": "$",
"movement_amount_in_cent": -4900,
"mrr_movement_in_account_currency": -4900,
"mrr_movement_in_invoice_currency": -4900