Sources: Streaming

Mailchimp (Streaming)

Mailchimp is an email marketing platform that enables users to create, send, and automate email campaigns for engaging with their audience and promoting products or services.

By connecting Mailchimp to your ProxyHook account you can easily store activity into your datawarehouse including form submissions or contacts created

Connecting Mailchimp

To integrate Mailchimp into your ProxyHook account follow these steps:

  1. Create a new source within ProxyHook and select 'Mailchimp'. Grab the unique endpoint provided.
  2. Log into your Mailchimp account ( and select Audience.
  3. Within the Audience, select 'Manage Audience' > 'Settings' > 'Webhooks'
  4. Enter the URL from step 1 into the 'Callback URL' and check any updates you'd like to receive

Available Webhooks

  • Subscribes
  • Unsubscribes
  • Profile updates
  • Cleaned address
  • Email changed
  • Campaign sending