
ProxyHook's Transformations feature lets you write custom functions to implement specific use-cases on your event data, like:

  • Filtering or sampling events
  • Cleaning or aggregating data
  • Data masking or removing sensitive PII to ensure data privacy
  • Enriching events by implementing static logic or leveraging an external API
  • Using an API to implement specific actions on the events

Getting Started

  1. Login to your ProxyHook dashboard
  2. Select your desired destination to apply a transformation to under Destinations
  3. Click Transformation.

Within this page you'll be able to leverage custom javascript to modify the payload as needed. Depending on the integration you have the ability to edit:

  • Header
  • Body
  • Endpoint

Example - Reducing Payload

Let's take a basic example where you want to simplify the payload that is being sent to your custom webhook. Given that ProxyHook will standardize all incoming requests, a HTTP POST request track event with a small json of

  "brand": "adidas",
  "price": 24

Will be converted into

    "anonymousId": "6681e468-d095-4448-a951-bdc6e191dba9",
    "channel": "web",
    "context": {
        "app": {
            "name": "Proxyhook Webhook SDK",
            "version": "1.7.0"
        "os": {},
        "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"
    "event": "webhook",
    "messageId": "9080b062-e8d4-4d74-8ced-7d903aaa3871",
    "originalTimestamp": "2023-12-29T18:45:58.089Z",
    "properties": {
        "brand": "adidas",
        "price": 24
    "proxyHookID": "e160ccf4-5939-4509-95e3-450afc32cee5",
    "sentAt": "2023-12-29T18:45:58.089Z",
    "type": "track"

While the additional information is cruical for third party integrations and data standardization, you may want to send this data to another third party without the excess information. As a result, you can apply a tranformation to only send the original properties:

//modify body
function transformBody(body) {

The result payload (which can be seen in the preview section) would be:

    "brand": "adidas",
    "price": 24